Sustainability is a hot topic. Everyone is talking about it, and companies are trying to get ahead of the curve by making sustainability part of their core business strategy. Whether you are handling your logistics on your own or you needed help from large logistics operators, a sustainable supply chain can only be achieved if you as a business owner decide to make the necessary changes. 

Supply chains are complex and interconnected. That means that even small adjustments can have big impacts on your organization’s concern for the environment. To help you start thinking about how you can make your supply chain more sustainable, here are some practices that you can start today.

Embrace reuse and recycling

You know the saying: Reduce, reuse, recycle. The more you can reduce the amount of waste your business produces, the better off your supply chain will be as far as sustainability is concerned. Here are some ways that you can apply reusing and recycling to your supply chain:

  1. Embrace the reusing and recycling mindset – The first step is to look at what you already have on hand, whether it’s old pallets or boxes that have seen better days. If you can repurpose these resources into something new that adds value to your company and reduces costs, why not?
  2. Consider checking your operations for possible reusable items: Next comes reusing materials that would otherwise end up in landfills. For example, think about all those plastic bottles used for storing water — rather than throwing them away if they’re not used, use them again! There are plenty of other reusables out there like old pallets and cardboard boxes that can be repurposed into new things such as shipping materials or packaging materials.
  3. Find ways to use recycling to save money for your business: Finally, if you find yourself with excess supplies at any stage in your supply chain — whether it’s at the factory floor or back office — don’t just throw them away; instead use them for any of the projects that you may be working on at the moment. 

When companies start realizing the benefits of reuse and recycling, they will see an increase in their bottom line from reduced costs from buying new materials and a decrease in waste production.

Change your supplier relationship model

The most sustainable suppliers in the world are not just those who have zero carbon emissions or water use, but also those who have a positive impact on their communities and environment. As a result, companies should not just focus on their bottom line when choosing their suppliers, but also on how their suppliers operate in the community.

Many companies are now choosing to buy fair trade coffee and other products from small farmers instead of large corporations that do not practice sustainable practices. In addition, some businesses have created policies that promote environmentally sound practices in their supply chain.

Small businesses can work with suppliers to improve their sustainability practices. The following questions can be used as a guide in determining if a supplier is practicing sustainability in their operations.

  1. Does the supplier has a plan to significantly reduce their carbon footprint?
  2. Are they using renewable energy sources like solar panels?
  3. Do they implement measures to reduce waste?

If you want your brand to reflect your care towards the environment, you have to work with other businesses that share the same values.

Adapt sustainable practices in your whole supply chain

The more sustainable your practices are, the more likely you are to have less waste and more efficient processes that save time and money. The less time it takes to get products from suppliers to stores, the less money it costs to make them. Here are some sustainable practices that you can replicate in your business:

  1. Improve efficiency – To improve efficiency, companies need to keep an eye on their production processes and make sure that everything is running smoothly. This will enable them to reduce costs by reducing waste and improving productivity. If you want to be more sustainable in your supply chain, start by taking a look at your current systems and processes and see how you can improve them.
  2. Use sustainable materials – One way that companies can help reduce their carbon footprint is by using sustainable materials when making new products or building new facilities. Sustainable materials include recycled content, paper made from plants instead of trees (biodegradable), and biofuels made from corn stalks or other sources rather than oil-based ones like gasoline).
  3. Reduce Energy Use – Reducing energy use in your company not only helps the environment, it also helps lower your costs. For example, if you need to run an air conditioning system at peak times, you may be able to save money by switching to a newer model that uses less energy during those times.
  4. Use Renewable Energy Sources – Renewable energy sources such as solar power and wind power are becoming increasingly popular in the world of business because they are good for the environment and good for your bottom line. While these sources of energy aren’t always cost-competitive with fossil fuels, they can still make a difference when it comes to reducing carbon emissions or cutting down on operating costs over time.

Optimize your supply chain

Making your supply chain more optimized means that all parts of your business work together to reduce costs, increase efficiency and improve customer service. This includes

  1. Improving inventory management. You want to get rid of excess inventory by selling it at the lowest possible price or through other methods like drop shipping. You also want to make sure you don’t have too much inventory on hand that you’re unable to sell at a good price or promptly.
  2. Incorporating new technology into your business practices. Using e-commerce platforms can help you keep track of inventory levels while also allowing you to sell goods directly from your website instead of going through third-party retailers.
  3. Partnering with an effective logistics company – an efficient logistics company can do a big difference in giving you the most effective way to manage your supply chain. Be sure to only partner with an operator who understands the needs of your business.

Optimizing your supply chain can help you achieve these goals by focusing on reducing waste and increasing efficiency while reducing costs. This can be done by making changes within your business that’ll create better outcomes for both employees and customers alike. This is not an easy task. It takes a lot of time and energy, but if done properly, it will pay off in the long run. 

Work with a sustainable logistics company

If you are one of those businesses that rely heavily on logistics operators for your business to thrive, you must be working with a logistics company that promotes and practices sustainability. Many logistics operators do this by making sure that they are compliant with government standards on the engines of their vehicles and by even using renewable energy sources. Making sure that they practice recycling in their day-to-day operations will also make a big difference in the long run.
We at Soul Logistics are proud that even though we are considerably new in the industry, our business is on the right path toward building a business that cares about the environment. If you want to know more about our advocacies for the planet, send us a message at